


Team Transpainter started sharing gifts and apparel to support members of the LGBTQ community in 2022.
Our affirmations have since traveled worldwide in retail shops, Pride Festivals, LGBTQ Community Centers and more.

Meet Rae

Rae Senarighi (aka Transpainter) has been an artist since he was a child sketching with his mother in Montana.

His vibrant larger-than-life acrylic portraits have been shared in galleries across the U.S., on a Netflix special, and on several college campuses.

As a designer, Rae has partnered with the Portland Trailblazers, Schwinn, GLAAD, TREK, the Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference, Washington Healthcare for All, the Women's Abortion Fund, GSafe, Planned Parenthood, Fair Wisconsin, Inclusion Tennessee, Have a Gay Day and more to support causes that uplift the LGBTQ+ community.

His work as Transpainter started with designing social media posts during the heartaching attacks on the transgender community in 2020 and has since expanded to wearable art and home decor for the LGBTQ community and our allies to spread messages of love far and wide.


Dr. Gina Senarighi PhD had been a successful therapist specializing in the LGBTQ+ community, BDSM, kink, and non-monogamy for fifteen years when Rae invited her to formally join Team Transpainter in 2022. Her business management has been a force expanding Rae's artistic vision from our local community to the whole world.

She's the one who packed your shipment, responded to your comment, or replied to your customer service concern. When she's not supporting her own clients, teaching communication skills, or working at LGBTQ+ Pride booths with us, you will find her tending her beautiful garden (home to many of the floral images you find on our merchandise) with our two young children.


Our first year in business powerfully reinforced our belief in the LGBTQ+ community and the value of strong partnerships.

We simply could not run this growing business without the incredible support of friends and family who have helped us pack products and ship them with care, who offer tech support behind the scenes, and consistently boost our social media messages.

We are ever grateful for the support of Gina's parents, Rudy and Shirley Senarighi, who have been involved in every aspect of our business. They likely packed some P-Flag grandparent love with the flag we sent you!